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Webinar: How Pharma is using Fresh Human Tissues to Better Predict Drug Safety and Efficacy



About the Speaker

David Bunton is co-founder and CEO of Biopta Ltd. After graduating from the University of Glasgow with an Honours degree in Physiology, he undertook a PhD in Pharmacology at Glasgow Caledonian University, which led immediately to his appointment as a Lecturer in Physiology and Pharmacology.

David was also a consultant to the Diabetes Education and Training Unit at Glasgow Caledonian and has numerous publications in respiratory and vascular pharmacology, including a number of reviews on the state of the art in human tissue research. He is a member of the British Pharmacological Society and Safety Pharmacology Society, and is an active contributor to the drive towards greater use of human tissues in drug development having co-organised the 2009 human tissue conference at the House of Lords. Email:
