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MatriMix (511) for 3D Culture


Brand: MatriMix

MatriMix (511) is a 3D culture substrate composed of fibrillar collagen, recombinant human laminin-511 E8 fragment, and hyaluronic acid.


Product name Product code Pack size Price Price (USD) Price (GBP) Price (EUR)
MatriMix (511) for 3D Culture NP899-001 1 kit (select above) $ 268.00 £ 199.00 € 240.00

USA Store

Note: prices shown do not include shipping and handling charges.

Product Information

New 3D Culture Substrate:  The MatriMix Series

3D culture substrate composed of biomolecules

The first MatriMix product, MatriMix (511), is composed of fibrillar collagen, recombinant human laminin-511 E8 fragment, and hyaluronic acid. The types of collagen, isoforms of laminin, and the concentration of each component have been customized to provide the optimal extracellular environment for your target cells. Gelation takes advantage of collagen's ability to form fibers at a physiological temperature and solvent environment. 

The MatriMix (511) kit consists of three components:

  • Solution A; Concentrated DMEM, hyaluronic acid/laminin 511E8
  • Solution B; 2.5% sodium bicarbonate
  • Solution C; 5.0 mg/mL collagen (bovine acid-soluble type I, porcine pepsin soluble type I/type III)

Applications for MatriMix (511) include:

Cancer Cell Spheroids

Stem Cell Organoids

Other formulations of MatriMix containing other laminins are also available. Please contact us for more information.

NIPPI company name and logo is the property of NIPPI Inc., Japan.

Product Name: MatriMix (511) for 3D Culture

Catalog Number: NP899-001

Kit Contents

  • Solution A: Concentrated DMEM, hyaluronic acid/laminin 511 E8 (3.6 mL)
  • Solution B: 2.5% sodium bicarbonate (1.0 mL)
  • Solution C: 5.0 mg/mL collagen (bovine acid-soluble type I, porcine pepsin soluble type I/type III) (3.0 mL)

Storage and Stability: Store at 4 °C, avoid freezing.  Stable for at least 6 months after the manufacturing date if unopened.

Notice To Purchaser: This product is intended for Research Use Only, not for resale or other commercial use, or for Theapeutic or Diagnostic uses.